Copyright © 2009-
Judith Wilson
& Wall-
Handy Hint #1
You can print labels on to fabric, with a bit of luck! Basically you write/draw your design in Word or Paint or whatever software you have that’ll do the job, then print it onto a piece of suitable fabric. Don't forget to allow for a hem all round your label!
To do this, gently iron the (washed) fabric onto a piece of freezer paper cut to about A4 size (or whatever size your printer likes best) to act as backing, load the fabric/paper sheet into the printer and print at high quality. A printer that feeds from the back and out the front is more likely to work well than if the sheets are rolled inside the printer, when the fabric and backing might detach.
Once printing is completed, remove the backing paper and let the ink dry naturally; then hot iron the label to fix the print into the fabric. Seems to work well with many ink-
Also worth checking that it doesn’t wash out, we found some cheap inks did!
Helpful Hints . . .